2014 Christmas Party
The 2014 Christmas party held at the Chapelhow Legion on Sunday December 14 was an enjoyable event. The rental of the larger room at the Legion for the Christmas meeting was well received as the larger room was more appropriate to facilitate the attendance. This was the largest attendance at a monthly club meeting in 2014. Seventeen club members and seven guests attended. Food and non-alchohlic beveragea were catered by the Legion and several club members brought some baked treats for all to enjoy. The Legion was pleased with the cash and food donations for the Veterans Food Bank. Club members made individual cash donations and proceeds from the turkey draws and the 50/50 draw were given to the foodbank. There was $156.50 in cash donations and an entire table stacked with food items. Robert provided Christmas music for the event.
Most importantly a good time was had by all, socializing, trading, buying, and selling pins!