In Memory of Al Dunlop

Saturday February 13, 2016

On December 28, 2015 CIPC member Al Dunlop passed away. Al was an active member of the Calgary International Pin Club and an avid collector of lapel pins. Al was a regular volunteer at the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association and the HSCA weekly Farmers Market. After Al's passing his family made Al's pin collection available for fair value donations with all proceeds going to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Alberta.

On Saturday February 13 an In Memory of Al event was held at the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association from noon to 5 pm. In honour of Al's contribution to the community the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association donated the main lobby of the hall for this event. In honour of Al's work with the Farmers Market the HSCA Farmers Market provided a wonderful layout of food and beverage for the event.

Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association members, people from the Farmer Market, and members of the Calgary International Pin Club turned out for the event. Approximately 30 people in all. People exchanged memories of Al, enjoyed music and food and made wonderful contributions to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Alberta for Al's pins. A total of $1,016.05 was raised.

A special thank you goes out to Jeanette Wilson, Barb Thompson, and Mark Mogen whot spent time to organize this event. In memory of Al's participation in the Calgary International Pin Club the pin club has retired Al's membership number 10.
